[8] Congenital uterine anomalies can result in recurrent pregnancy loss, abnormal fetal presentation, premature labor, and premature birth. Premature labor in these women usually is the result of ...
Retroverted uterus is a fairly common condition that affects about one out of every five women. Having a retroverted uterus can be congenital (you are born with it), a consequence of childbirth or ...
Congenital Anomalies of the Kidney and Urinary Tract (CAKUT) refer to a range of conditions that affect the kidney and urinary tract. These anomalies can be severe, such as kidney agenesis, or milder, ...
1 Chan YY, Jayaprakasan K, Zamora J, Thornton JG, Raine-Fenning N, Coomarasamy A. The prevalence of congenital uterine anomalies in unselected and high-risk ...
It is also important to remember that fertility disorders can also result from abnormal anatomy of the reproductive male and female organ (congenital uterine anomalies – septate, unicornuate, ...
However, babies and children can be born with cataracts, or they may develop them as they age. A congenital cataract causes the same symptoms as adult cataracts—a clouding in the lens of the eye that ...
But seismic wave speeds alone can only paint part of the picture. These LLSVPs could be short-lived thermal anomalies, or they could be longer-lasting lumps with a different composition. To find out, ...
4 These malformations included varus deformities of front and hind feet, hypoplasia of radius, tibia and fibula, digital duplication, atresia and hypoplasia of kidneys and uterus. Of added ...
During a regular sonographic assessment of a 32-year-old pregnant woman at the Buldhana District Women’s Hospital, the rare congenital anomaly was detected. “In medical terms, we call it ...