While onions don't need it, blanching is a great practice for other vegetables you may want to freeze. It involves boiling vegetables briefly, then plunging them in ice water. This process deactivates ...
Never run out of peas again! With this simple blanch-and-freeze trick, you can enjoy fresh, vibrant peas all year long - no ...
Enjoy little cabbages all year long with our guide on how to freeze fresh Brussels sprouts. You can store these ...
Blanching the most well-known method to remove stubborn fava bean skins after they've been shelled, but there's a quicker way ...
"Dishes should be frozen while they are hot from the pot, and many leafy vegetables shouldn't be frozen, because they lose ...
Broccoli is packed full of vitamins and minerals, but it can be a little bit boring when boiled - so one doctor has shared her delectable recipe to spice things up ...
There are many high-protein vegetables you can add to your diet. Protein is needed to build and maintain healthy muscles, bones, and skin. Animal products are not the only high-protein food ...
Get farm-fresh fruits and vegetables delivered right to your doorstep with our favorite produce delivery services that make healthy eating easier. Fresh produce is essential for a healthy lifestyle.
Blanching (scalding vegetables in boiling water or steam for a short time) is a must for almost all vegetables to be frozen successfully. It slows or stops the enzyme action which can cause loss ...
The thought is that blanching removes impurities, giving you a “cleaner stock.” However, molecular biologist-turned-cookbook-author Nik Sharma says it’s not always necessary: “If you’re ...
A close second is blanching — tossing vegetables into boiling water for a minute or two — but be careful not to leave them in the water long. Boiling vegetables, besides easily turning them to mush, ...