Chihuahua are the smallest dog breed but do have healthy bodies with a lifespan up to 14-16 years. Dachshunds are long bodied and have a nickname Wiener dogs having a life expectancy of 14-16 years.
Breakups can turn even the toughest person into a human puddle of sad songs and questionable late-night texts. But while ...
THOUSANDS of dogs big and small from 220 breeds, along with their hopeful owners, will travel to Birmingham in a bid to take home ...
Considering to buy/adopt a dog so for you here are eight dog breeds who the longest lives.
Welcome to our Pets of the Week page where, each Monday, we showcase your beloved pets to celebrate the joy they bring you. We are keen to ...
Defeating more than 2,500 dogs, Monty the Giant Schnauzer captured Best in Show at the 149th Annual Westminster Kennel Club ...
FROM an adorable Cardigan Welsh corgi to a sweet Bichon Frise, these are the four dogs of the week at Basildon Dogs Trust in need of forever homes ...
Renters don't have to deprive themselves of owning a dog. There are multiple breeds suited for communal living.
When your dog is pregnant, it can be such an exciting time, and if your pup hasn't had frequent ultrasounds, you may be ...
On International Love Your Pet Day today, here’s a glimpse of all the Bollywood celebrities who don’t shy away from showering ...
If you’ve never encountered a Bichon Frise in real life, first of all, I’m so sorry. But picture this: a tiny, cloud-like ...