The world's largest invertebrate remained hidden from humanity until a tantalising glimpse 100 years ago. But it would be ...
If you notice that all of the exhibits at the University of Cambridge’s Museum of Zoology are looking even smarter than usual ...
Whales are the biggest creatures on Earth. These animals are found in every ocean, but that doesn't make them fish.
The proposed rules would have slowed more ships to prevent collisions with endangered North Atlantic right whales. By Simon J. Levien The Biden administration on Thursday withdrew a proposal to ...
“Staff identified the whales as beaked whales, likely Gray’s beaked whales. Tissue samples were taken to confirm the species,” Thompson said. DOC worked closely with representatives from Te Rūnanga o ...
Prepare to be put off drinking one of these popular drinks after seeing a dentist's viral experiment that shows what they do to your teeth, and the health professional told Newsweek his ...
If you’re looking to brighten your smile, using the right teeth whitening products can be more affordable and convenient than going into the dentist’s office. The best teeth whitening kits ...
OSAKA--An 8-meter-long whale has remained in Osaka Bay near the mouth of the Yodogawa river, more than 30 hours after it was first reported there. The whale has been nicknamed “Yodo-chan” on ...
Jay Cowen, from the trust, told BBC Radio Cornwall it was believed the whale was either a Cuvier's beaked whale or a northern bottlenose. "They both prefer offshore deeper waters, so it's quite ...
Killer whales / Orcas (Orcinus orca) large pod including calf traveling together while foraging on large schools of Herring (Clupea harengus) in the cold waters of northern Norway, January Baby ...
Offshore wind farms are a valuable source of renewable energy and a crucial weapon in our arsenal in the fight against the climate crisis, but is this at the expense of marine mammals? President ...
The Gulf of Mexico is home to at least 18 species of odontocetes, or toothed whales ... The largest declines were found in beaked whales, according to the study. They were initially observed ...