Urine was used as fertiliser in ancient Rome and China. Now farmers in Vermont are bringing this practice back to boost ...
But what stands out the most to Minecraft players is the huge hollow structure that looks like a portal and a window in the center of the ancient city. Image Credit: Minecraft/Mojang (Screenshot by ...
Photo: NASA, ESA, CSA, Kristen McQuinn (STScI) The James Webb Space Telescope has astounded scientists with a new image of the rare and ancient galaxy Leo P in the Leo constellation, which is ...
IN matters relating to sex, the ancient Romans displayed the practical ... has explored the records of the reactions of the Roman world in marriage, in religion, in literature and in art, and ...
within the time of the Roman Empire. Sniffers, who described the smells in terms of quality, intensity, and pleasantness, described odours of vomit, urine and cheese which were linked back to ...
Complemented by international loans, the exhibition showcases, for the first time, the museum's own collection of American images, which it has been busy expanding since 2007. America and ...
A set of three images are going viral on social media to claim that Indian archaeologists have allegedly unearthed “ancient spaceships". The caption claims that this was found in Antarctica but later ...
The Egyptians continued worshipping the same ancient gods, generally speaking. The worship of Greek gods also continued, as it had in the Ptolemaic era. However, there were some fundamental ...
Pink or red pee could mean there’s blood in it (hematuria), which might be a sign of a serious health problem. If that happens, see a healthcare provider. Healthy urine is typically pale yellow and ...
Abstract: In this paper, we explore a new road for format-compatible 3D object encryption by proposing a novel mechanism of leveraging 2D image encryption methods. It alleviates the difficulty of ...
Scientists have digitally "unwrapped" a 2,000-year-old charred scroll from the Roman town of Herculaneum - providing the first glimpse inside the ancient document since it was buried by Mount Vesuvius ...
Archaeologists recently found an ancient Roman helmet in an unusual location, a Danish village. Vejle Museums announced the discovery of numerous ancient artifacts, including the Roman armor ...