The National Mall, which is usually crammed with supporters of the incoming president on Inauguration Day, is empty. Trump supporters with inauguration tickets for the mall have been redirected to ...
Mixed-use malls retain an assortment of retail stores and dining options, but those traditional mall staples now share ... attract young professionals and empty nesters, according to Josh Schrier ...
The mall seemed almost as empty as the closed malls. Source: Business Insider Source: Business Insider Source: Business Insider Source: Business Insider See more photos of Sears clearance stores ...
Narrator: This is what many of America's malls look like today: empty, eerie ... everyone wanted to go to the mall. Malls began springing up in every American suburb, along with large shopping ...
The American mall isn’t dying — it’s evolving ... Developers are bulldozing empty department stores like Macy’s and JCPenney, trading the racks and registers for luxury apartments and ...
Washington Mall, which once was an economic beacon for the region when it opened in the late 1960s only to later fall into disrepair and be practically abandoned as store after store moved out, is ...