The year was 1914. The warring countries in WW1 had discussed a cease fire to celebrate Christmas, but no agreement was made. However, on the night of Christmas, an unofficial cease fire was declared.
the fighting stopped for Christmas. It wasn’t planned, but... Here’s What You Need to Know: The 1914 truce was to be the only significant attempt at quieting the guns by the soldiers at the ...
This ceasefire, which the guerrillas have decreed for the Christmas period during other peace processes, will be in effect from 6:00 am on December 24, 2022, until 6:00 am on January 2, 2023 ...
1. The 1914 Christmas Truce (World War I) Arguably one of the most famous ceasefire moments in history, the Christmas Truce of 1914 during World War I lasted only a few days. However, its brevity is ...