Walk up to someone wearing a pair of Halliday’s smart glasses, and you might not notice they’re looking at smartphone notifications, live language translations, or advice from an AI assistant.
Learn More Halliday has come up with eyewear we didn’t know we needed: smart glasses that project images directly onto your eye. Unveiled at CES 2025‘s CES Unveiled event, Halliday showed its ...
The wearables sector may have slowed down in recent years as tech companies shift focus towards AI, but Shenzhen-based company Halliday is reviving the trend. At CES 2025, the brand unveiled the ...
There's momentum building behind smart glasses right now—as these gadgets gradually get more useful and less ugly—and the Halliday Glasses are the latest pair to arrive, launching at CES 2025 ...
Tony Bradley is a reporter who covers the cybersecurity industry and the cross-section of technology and entertainment. He has been a Forbes contributor since 2014. He is the founder and editor of ...
What new product would be complete without a big dollop of AI inside? Newcomer Halliday has unexpectedly brought all three of these trends together into one fascinating product for the technology ...