If you're wondering whether birds are reptiles, know this: The reptile family tree is more varied and diverse than you might realize.
The Megalosaurus is essential to paleontology. Learn what discoveries made this dinosaur important.
So "if you go further back along the branches of the tree of life, you find that [Neornithes] also belong to the more inclusive clade Theropoda," a group of two-legged and mostly meat-eating ...
13 天
来自MSN中国发现全球最古老鸟类「政和八闽鸟」,将鸟类起源时间提早近 ...谢邀。 非常有意义的发现! 要深入了解这个发现的重大意义,需要先了解鸟类的演化过程。 大多数人往往只知道鸟类是恐龙的一支,再详细点可能了解始祖鸟,再细化就不知道。 但恐怕很多人不知道,始祖鸟几乎要被开除鸟籍了。即便不开除鸟籍,也不是最早的鸟类。 这是始祖鸟: 这是今天的鸟类: 始祖鸟和今天的鸟类,一眼看过去的最大区别是什么? 是尾巴!
In a new study published in the journal PLoS ONE, paleontologists analyzed the fossilized remains of the alvarezsaurid dinosaur Bonapartenykus from the Allen Formation of Patagonia. Their results shed ...