Sasha the Staffy is quite possibly the oldest pooch in Britain - and she’s still going strong at the age of 22.
A New Norfolk man has been convicted of animal cruelty after repeatedly refusing to seek proper veterinary treatment for his ...
Whether a dog misses her puppies or not will vary depending on the dog and the circumstances. If a dog is allowed to stay ...
"The clearest communication I've ever seen from a dog," one user said. Another added: "That's the most blatant c'mon I've ...
Rangers at Kinver Edge are urging dog owners to keep their pet on a short lead in areas of heathland during breeding season.
This 3-year-old American Staffordshire Terrier Mix has been overlooked ever since he arrived at the shelter last fall. He is ...
Jada is five-month-old Staffordshire Bull Terrier cross waiting at Red Collar Rescue to find a family of her own.
Glinda and Elphaba are sisters who love spending their days making new burrows and gnawing their way through wooden chews. Elphaba is the more confident of the pair and she’ll usually be the first to ...
A young boy who died in a horrific dog attack in rural NSW has sparked an inquest into what needs to change. Here’s what the court found. However, there have also been over 16,783 known dog attacks ...
"Gary turned around and said 'he has nipped me' then I just saw him [Bruno] go for his ankle. Emma got the kids out the back ...
A WOMAN was savaged by two “XL Bullies” in a viscous attack just one day after a teenager was killed by a “danger dog breed”.
This week’s featured adoptable pets from the Kent County Animal Shelter are two lovable dogs that are waiting for their ...