Born in the Castle of Xavier near Sanguesa, in Navarre, on April 7, 1506. Francis Xavier, a Basque nobleman, left his home at the age of 19 to study at the University of Paris. There he met Saint ...
The top ranked primary in Scotland is a school where pupils are given teddy bears to encourage their caring side.
A nursing professor hopes an increase in enrolment at the two-year nursing program at St. Francis Xavier University will help Nova Scotia combat a shortage of nurses in rural areas. Amy Hallaran ...
Our Lady of Lourdes Primary was able to provide every child they sent to high school with a solid grasp of reading, writing ...
The prayer evoked the 2005 vigils when St. John Paul II was dying in the Apostolic Palace, but those on hand said they were praying for Francis' recovery. Standing on the same stage where Francis ...
Schools across Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Renfrewshire and Dunbartonshire placed in the top 50. 9. St Andrew’s RC Primary School, Dundee City 10. St Francis Xavier’s RC Primary School, Falkirk ...
A priest who was convicted of sexually assaulting a sleeping train passenger has had an appeal against his prison sentence denied. Father Daniel Doherty, 61, was jailed for 16 months for attacking a ...
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.