They asked for Rs 2 crore in exchange of 3% equity, valuing their company at Rs 66 crore. The panel of ‘sharks’ on this episode included Aman Gupta, Ritesh Agarwal, Vineeta Singh, Azhar Iqubal and ...
In Bhojpuri, the title of Drama Queen is reserved for Sona Pandey, an actress known for her controversies rather than her work. Sona Pandey manages to stay in the limelight for her controversies ...
From death threats to physical altercations to high-profile divorce rumours and a superstar's arrest, the year 2024 was a tumultuous one for Indian cinema.
Recently he appeared in Bigg Boss 18 house and now during his candid podcast interview, the actor spilled beans on losing Chulbul Pandey role to Salman Khan in Dabangg and also Salman ... but Salman ...
Chalu Pandey will feel that Jethalal is high on alcohol and is blabbering without any hold on his tongue. He will question Jetha and will ask him why he is talking incoherently. What will happen now?