This story begins with a tragic tale of woe: After a long evening at a cocktail party, I returned home with a ravenous appetite for melted cheese. Luckily, I had a plastic takeout container of queso ...
Safety concerns have loomed over microplastics, be it from your cutting board while prepping food to cook at home or items such as water bottles and takeout food containers. Aside from the obvious ...
Stephanie Widmer explains potential hazards of single-use plastic. Safety concerns have ... or items such as water bottles and takeout food containers. Aside from the obvious environmental threats ...
Safety concerns have loomed over microplastics, be it from your cutting board while prepping food to cook at home or items such as water bottles and takeout food containers. Aside from the obvious ...
The items tested included black plastic utensils such as spatulas, black plastic to-go containers (usually the bottom portion) and some toys. But the study authors made a math mistake ...
The global shipping industry is constantly evolving, and the COVID-19 pandemic began a marked shift in how container shipping operates. Disruption caused by the pandemic has forced the industry to ...
Some experts don’t recommend reheating food in black plastic containers, although studies haven’t confirmed if this causes chemicals to leach into food. Importantly, “if you see that your ...
The first is the material of the container. Most china storage containers are made of fabric, plastic, or a combination of both. Fabric containers are typically more breathable and softer ...
A recent study that recommended toxic chemicals in black plastic products be immediately ... plastic including kitchen utensils, take-out containers, children’s toys and hair accessories.
Black plastic used in kitchen utensils can contain trace chemicals from electronic waste, and single use containers can be especially difficult to recycle. Plastic is being increasingly ...
Despite this, experts agreed that avoiding black plastic kitchen utensils, takeout containers, toys, and other products is still a smart idea—particularly if that plastic is touching food.
Texas-based retailer The Container Store announced Sunday it filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, though the CEO has since said the chain is "here to stay." Parent company The Container Store Group ...