Madagascar, an animated film by American production company DreamWorks, has given birth to a musical comedy to be discovered in Paris until March 9, 2025. The show, directed by Philippe Hersen, will ...
The top country songs of 2024 prove that country music — especially traditional country music — is in very good hands. A full 25 percent of the Top 40 songs from this year are by artists who ...
There’s nothing that brings the world together more than sharing opinions about Christmas music. And why not? Christmas is a very special time of year for many — myself included!
The intimate, sonically rich documentary shows the students practicing individually, joking about which instrument is best, and describing what music means to them. We see them working closely ...
A ranking of the top songs based on streaming and sales activity from within the country- as tracked by Luminate. The ranking is based on a weighted formula incorporating official-only streams ...
A ranking of the top songs based on streaming and sales activity from within the country- as tracked by Luminate. The ranking is based on a weighted formula incorporating official-only streams ...
“Becoming Led Zeppelin,” a documentary that chronicles the origins and meteoric rise of the iconic English rock band, will play on the big screen in 2025. Sony Picture Classics, which acquired ...
A traveller, soldier, conspirator and exile, Beniowski was crowned king of Madagascar and proclaimed the island’s Ampansakebe (Emperor) by its indigenous people. Maurycy August Beniowski considers ...
Retired military officers from Europe protect the capital of North Kivu from falling to the Rwandan-backed rebel group.
Netflix delighted Yo Yo Honey Singh fans by announcing a special documentary on the 'legend who changed face of Indian music' through Instagram. Titled Yo Yo Honey Singh: Famous, the documentary ...
Christopher Stoudt's film tells the story of a conductor leading the Inner City Youth Orchestra of Los Angeles and of the transformative power of music. ICYOLA is the Inner City Youth Orchestra of ...
Now, while I’m not particularly fond of what Disney has done so far with their live-action projects, I am pretty excited for ...