Landscape in autumn season illustration oak tree sunset stock illustrations Painting Autumn trees on mountain on warm sunny day art.... In Anticipation of The Spring An oil painting on canvas of a ...
A TREE at the precinct in Caversham is to be cut back. The holm oak will be given a crown lift of 3m to 4m to provide street clearance and improve pedestrian safety. The work will be overseen by the ...
Here are some of the biggest planning applications submitted to Somerset Council for approval this week. This list is valid ...
Trees in a Great Yarmouth street have been cut back after years of complaints about starling droppings and bird noise and smell. Five holm oak trees in Kent Square in the town have had their canopies ...
1 no. non-illuminated fascia sign. CC/25/00145/TPA: 40 Lyndhurst Road, Chichester. Crown reduce by 2.5m (all around) on 1 no. Holm Oak tree (T1) subject to CC/18/00076/TPO. CC/25/00148/FUL: ...
CC/25/00145/TPA: 40 Lyndhurst Road, Chichester. Crown reduce by 2.5m (all around) on 1 no. Holm Oak tree (T1) subject to CC/18/00076/TPO. CC/25/00148/FUL: Timberlaine Industrial Estate ...
Timber from trees destroyed by Storm Ciarán has been used for new benches at a Jersey market in a move aimed at encouraging shoppers to stay there longer. The benches were commissioned for the ...
20/25/0007. Application to fell one ash tree and one cypress tree included in Taunton Deane Borough (Kingston St. Mary No.2) Tree Preservation Order 1997 at The Cherry Orchard, Lodes Lane, Kingston St ...
Highly valued economically, ecologically and culturally, the white oak (Quercus alba) is a keystone forest species and is one of the most abundant trees across much of eastern North America.
John the Evangelist, Manor Road, Staplegrove 42/25/0004. Application to fell two sycamore trees and to carry out management works to one group of sycamores (coppice), one Holm Oak (re-pollard to ...