UK Finance has submitted evidence to the government as part of its consultation to reform Energy Performance Certificates ...
UK homes now achieve an EPC rating of C or above in 2024, easing landlord concerns ahead of the 2030 rental property rules.
More than 80% of commercial real estate in major English cities has an energy performance certificate rating of below B.
The consultation on the proposed reform of the Energy Performance of Buildings regime was launched on 4 December 2024 and outlines ...
Which?'s response to the government consultation on the reform of Energy Performance Certificates (EPCS) calls for changes to help consumers understand and improve the energy efficiency of their homes ...
More than half of homes in England currently fall below the C Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating that landlords will ...
I think people know that a big, old property is draughty and costs more to heat…compared with a new-build project' ...
We make the EPC process. Just get in touch with our office for a chat today, and we will carry out your energy assessment quickly and professionally. We strive to meet our clients’ timelines and are ...
UK government plans to improve energy performance standards in rented residential property in England and Wales are an overdue but welcome step in tackling fuel poverty and the transition to ‘net zero ...
From April 2023, UK landlords will not be able to grant or renew a policy for a tenant if their commercial property has an EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) rating of F or lower. Fines for ...