Dandadan is the mega-hit of the 2024 Winter anime season. The series balances high-stakes action with absurd comedy, as Okarun and Momo use their newly discovered powers to recover Okarun’s missing ...
And how much of that reaction would they be consciously aware of? There is currently a mismatch between what we understand about the nature of disgust and how marketers treat it. In the world of ...
The rookie QB’s reaction came after Waldron said something to him and smiled, before looking back down at a portable screen or play sheet in his hand. Williams clearly isn’t the only person in ...
Rangers have given the Celtic supporters no end of entertainment this season and not just with their results on the pitch. Prior to this weekend, the Ibrox club were languishing nine points behind ...
I found myself disgusted by the cheap pessimism of works like [Mermaid] or [The Drop], which showed a drop of water falling on a thirsty man adrift at sea. I felt that this pessimism was qualitatively ...
Lance goes into a conversation with Disgust, narrating that as she once believed in him, the latter decides to believe in himself. Lance then uses his rolling ability to roll past the guards. While he ...
During pre-game player introductions, Paul was seen looking visibly disgusted as he made his way onto the court. Going by his reaction, we’ll go ahead and assume that somebody on the Spurs ...