The cast of the film includes Atharvaa as Vetri, R Sarathkumar as Inspector K Selvam, Dushyanth Jayaprakash as Sri, John Vijay as Director Kishore, Chinni Jayanth as Sakkarai, Santhana Bharathi as ...
The film also stars Dushyanth Jayaprakash, Chinni Jayanth, John Vijay, Ammu Abhirami, Murali Radhakrishnan, Santhana Bharathi, Uma Padmanabhan, Bala Hasan and Rethika Srinivas among others.
The star cast of Nirangal Moondru includes Atharvaa, R Sarathkumar, Rahman, Dushyanth Jayaprakash, John Vijay and Ammu Abhirami in prominent roles. Meanwhile, Jakes Bejoy is the music director ...
She has got a lot of popularity from shows like Bigg Boss and Naagin 6. Meanwhile, the actor was injured on Sunday. An accident happened with the TV actress on the shooting set, after which her ...
John Capodice, a character actor best known for roles in “Ace Ventura” and “General Hospital,” died on Monday. He was 83. The news was confirmed on the website for Pizzi Funeral Home in ...
Is Chalamet going to be the latest actor to win an Oscar for playing a music legend, a not-always-proud tradition that goes back to James Cagney’s energetic portrayal of entertainer George M.
Among the fantastic actors that were featured in the film are Atharvaa Murali, R Sarathkumar, Rahman, Dushyanth Jayaprakash, John Vijay, Ammu Abhirami with so much more complimenting each other ...
In a heart-wrenching incident, TV actress Jaya Bhattacharya recently rescued a one-and-a-half-month-old puppy who was brutally raped multiple times in Naigaon, Mumbai. The actor, known for her ...