The FF Plus facilitated an “adopt and secure” initiative between the Gauteng province and the Carnival Centre in Brakpan and as a result, the Centre has adopted the traffic light in Heidelberg Road.
The illegal occupation of a piece of land in the Juju Valley in the Polokwane Local Municipality appears to be a direct consequence of the Expropriation Act’s enactment. According to reports, the ...
The FF Plus has noted Mr Juan van Schalkwyk’s resignation as a member of the party, and as Speaker and councillor in Swellendam. Mr Van Schalkwyk’s conduct and resignation run counter to the decision ...
The Tshwane Metro’s proposal to write off outstanding debt on municipal bills sends the wrong message and the Freedom Front Plus (VF Plus) is strongly opposed to it. The debtor’s ledger, which mainly ...
The Municipal Court in the Tshwane Metro’s closure of a nursery school in Rietfontein, Pretoria, sends a loud and clear message to all businesses to comply with all municipal regulations at all times.
The FF Plus facilitated an “adopt and secure” initiative between the Gauteng province and the Carnival Centre in Brakpan and as a result, the Centre has adopted ...
Die onwettige besetting van ʼn stuk grond in die Juju-vallei in die Polokwane-plaaslike munisipaliteit is klaarblyklik die direkte gevolg van die Onteieningswet. Luidens berigte beweer die besetters ...
The Freedom Front Plus (VF Plus) is deeply concerned about the Ekurhuleni Metro’s budget deficit of R2 billion for the first quarter of the 2025 financial year. The deficit is mainly caused by poor ...
Die VF Plus het kennis geneem van die bedanking van mnr. Juan van Schalkwyk as lid van die VF Plus en ook as speaker en raadslid in Swellendam. Mnr. Van Schalkwyk se optrede en bedanking is direk in ...
Die munisipale hof van die Tshwane-metro se sluiting van die kleuterskool in Rietfontein, Pretoria, stuur ʼn sterk boodskap aan alle ondernemings om ten alle tye aan munisipale regulasies te voldoen.
Mogale City (Krugersdorp, Magaliesburg, Muldersdrift) residents have to start shelling out like never before. The adjustment budget, which was discussed and adopted during a special council meeting ...