George Mulder noticed from the very first meeting that playing the ukulele during the club meetings made him happier. “It’s just so cool to see a bunch of people come out and want to play ...
Throughout WSC, there are numerous activities and clubs that are available for people to get involved with, such as intramural sports, arts and media clubs and many others. A lot of clubs steal the ...
Also a guitar player, Trombley has played the ukulele about 35 years and the ... better for a group to perform. Most of the people in the group play other instruments, like Earl, who also plays ...
ONEIDA, N.Y. — The Oneida Public Library recently hosted ukulele expert David Chen for a concert and a lesson on the instrument. Chen, who serves as president of the China International Ukulele ...
On the latest installation of Motivational Monday Hello Wisconsin’s Ellie Pomerleau hopes to inspire people to pick up a new ...