Jersey Shore towns hoping to reduce their obligation of affordable housing units are running into opposition from builders ...
Gov. Murphy proposes using funds meant for home building as down payment assistance. Affordable housing experts aren’t ...
The New Jersey Builders Association has filed a lawsuit against 159 towns seeking to reduce their affordable housing quotas.
One in four New Jersey towns are facing legal action from the largest group of builders and developers in the state over ...
The lawsuits come as towns are working to determine their requirements for building low-priced homes over the next 10 years.
Some 40% of Monmouth and Ocean County towns are pushing back against New Jersey's newly calculated affordable housing ...
The second complaint names New Jersey, the Affordable Housing Dispute Resolution Program and Glenn Grant, New Jersey's acting director of the New Jersey Administrative Office of the Courts ...
NJ affordable housing deadline:Here's what your town owes ... “So, homeowners would be able to apply through the township for a loan or a grant to bring their home up to code.” ...
Even before ground is broken for a single home in the third round of its affordable housing obligation, the borough is ...
Opponents could challenge the towns' calculations and ask the Affordable Housing Dispute Resolution Program, a seven-member panel, to decide. Toms River to NJ:We don't need 670 affordable homes ...