How to improve your lungs health with yoga? Yoga and Spiritual Leader, Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, tells us the best Pranayama ...
Pranayama, a core component of yoga, emphasizes the importance of breath control and regulation. Developing proficiency in ...
Ayurveda has a solution for every problem. If you are struggling with sleep problems, then Ayurveda can help you in this too.
Pranayama, sometimes called yoga breathing, is one aspect of a yoga practice that includes asana (the poses) and dhyana (meditation). The combination of these three elements—movement ...
Say goodbye to insomnia and hello to a peaceful night's sleep with these expert-recommended yoga asanas for good sleep.
Over the past three years, these students returned to Kaivalyadhama three times each year, undergoing rigorous training in ...
Kapalbhati involves short, sharp exhalations followed by passive inhalations. It is typically performed while sitting in a comfortable position, with a straight spine and relaxed body. The technique ...
Boost fertility naturally in your 30s with yoga, fertility herbs, mindful eating, and self-love. Learn expert-backed holistic ...
Consistent practice of yoga postures and pranayama increases the lung's airflow, air capacity, stamina and efficiency. Back bending postures open the chest, improving both lung and heart functions.
The purpose of the study was to analyse the effect of Ujjayi and Bhastrika Pranayama on selected physiological variables. For this 60 physically challenged male students were randomly selected as the ...