The water vapor from the hot plane engine turns to ice mid-air which we see as white lines in the sky called contrails. This is the same phenomenon we see when we breathe hot air on a cold day.
It burned up as it reentered the atmosphere, creating streaks of light across the sky. MOBILE, Ala. (WKRG) – Viewers from across the Gulf Coast sent in photos and videos after seeing bright ...
If you’ve ever glanced at the sky while an airplane flew overhead, you’ve no doubt seen the white trail following in its wake. Appearing like long, white clouds, these streaks are known as ...
Those white lines in the sky trailing behind jet planes are puffy plumes of water vapour. But online, some have twisted them into evidence of a secret plot to control weather or poison the ...
Bright streaks of light have been captured on camera moving across the sky in southern California. People speculated on social media that it could be debris from a SpaceX launch or parts from the ...
THIS is the moment terrifying fiery streaks were spotted across the American sky as scientists confirmed the spectacle was caused by a crashing Chinese spaceship. Clusters of fireballs were seen ...
Mid-December every year brings us the chance to see plenty of shooting stars as the spectacular and unique Geminid meteor shower reaches its peak. The meteors associated with the Geminids are some ...