Although answers to these profound questions are not yet completely known, it seems very probable that both DNA and RNA viruses target the same cellular structure, which might reflect a mechanism ...
The findings overturn the long-held idea that most types of RNA viruses are incapable of DNA integration and raise another safety concern in the use of RNA-based gene therapy. "It's a very interesting ...
Influenza and a handful of other viruses have long been viewed as pandemic threats. One aspect that signals pandemic potential in a virus is having an RNA, rather than DNA, genome. That’s because the ...
Individually tailored RNA or DNA ... virus using the new active substances in up to 90% of cases. They also developed a method for finding substances tailored specifically to the virus. The team ...
This discovery, along with the identification of other nitrogenous bases, laid the foundation for our understanding of DNA and RNA structure. Cytosine can be synthesized chemically ... analog used as ...