or real-time RT–PCR. Fast and accurate, real-time RT–PCR has been critical in detecting, tracking and studying COVID-19. But what is it, and how does it work? Let us explain.
As the coronavirus that causes the COVID-19 disease spreads across the world, the IAEA, in partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), is offering its support ...
Real-time PCR combines the amplification of a DNA sequence with the detection of the amplified products during each reaction cycle—in other words, in real time. In comparison to conventional PCR ...
Real-time PCR (qPCR) and digital PCR (dPCR) are both powerful techniques used for precise nucleic acid quantification, but each offers unique advantages depending on various factors. Understanding ...
New PCR technologies Seegene, based in Seoul, South Korea, specializes in real-time PCR testing solutions, and has taken this technique to new heights, greatly increasing its usefulness for ...
Fungiplex Aspergillus is a CE-IVD real-time PCR which detects the most common pathogens associated with invasive aspergillosis. It provides rapid results with high sensitivity and specificity without ...
The CFX96™ optical reaction module converts the C1000 Touch™ thermal cycler chassis into the powerful and precise CFX96 Touch real-time PCR detection system. This six-channel system combines ...