It becomes an entire population.' Zombie worms - species in the genus Osedax - were first discovered on a three-kilometre-deep whale fall in 2002. Adrian explains, 'These are the most important ...
After the soft tissues are gone, specialised organisms like "bone-eating worms" will burrow into the whale's bones, consuming the marrow and nutrients within ...
These whale fall environments remain mysterious and unstudied, researchers said, prompting a project to create artificial sites. In 2016 and 2017, researchers dropped cow bones into the deep sea ...
Following is a transcript of the video. "Wow, octopus." "This is a whale fall!" "Oh, whale fall!" "Here we go, baby!" "Yes!" Narrator: This is a dead whale, which scientists recently discovered at ...
A look at the left lateral view of the skull bones in a fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus). Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert!
1st cargo-only bullet train to start in fall, link Tokyo, Morioka Chimps prefer peeing together, 600 hours of study shows Paper crane folded by A-bomb victim Sadako gifted to Obama ...
Sperm whales are the largest toothed whales in the world, reaching 45 tons and living for decades. Their populations were imperiled by historic whaling practices and they are still considered rare ...
To trace back the origins of the blue whale bones, Nicolov examined the records of what was on display at the British Empire Exhibition's pavilions. She uncovered a series of photographs of the ...
In the case of this whale fall, which the researchers determined was a baleen whale, the ROVs' cameras saw octopuses, eelpout (eel-like, skinny fish), and bone-eating worms sharing in the feast.