Sky Force, also starring Akshay Kumar and Sara Ali Khan, is Veer Pahariya's big Bollywood debut. The actor plays the role of Squadron Leader Ajjamada B Devayya, who was martyred during the 1965 ...
Veer Pahariya is all set to make a grand Bollywood debut alongside Akshay Kumar in the highly anticipated film Sky Force. The ...
Sky Force has Akshay Kumar playing the role of Wing Commander K.O. Ahuja, a fictionalised character based on O.P Taneja VrC.
Heres when Akshay Kumar, Veer Pahariya, Sara Ali Khan and Nimrat Kaur-starrer Sky Force trailer is expected to drop today.
The trailer for Sky Force, featuring Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya, promises aerial action and patriotic fervour.
IAF officers Akshay Kumar and Veer Pahariya fight enemies in this patriotic film. Sara Ali Khan and Nimrat Kaur are also part of the film.