What is the A Touch of Darkness series order? How many books are in the series? Discover interesting details about the modern fantasy romance book.
Their search for the Sword of Asnagar leads the Questers to the Underworld and the opportunity to bring Penthiselea's mother back from the dead. But it's not as easy as it sounds.
Kate Beckinsale frequently came up due to her high-flying action in the surprisingly long-lasting Underworld series, which spanned five films from 2003 to 2016. Now, Beckinsale is leading Amazon ...
So it is fitting that Wu’s first series, Jentry Chau vs the Underworld, is one that the creator and producer describes as “a love letter to my childhood”. Now streaming on Netflix ...
If the Underworld series is the extreme, gonzo end of vampires-as-science fiction, then the 2005 film Daybreakers represents the underrated indie attempt. With this low-key cult classic ...
Percy Jackson and his friends finally enter the underworld on the last leg of their quest. Viewers also met two gods in the second to last episode of the Disney+ series. Who plays Procustes and ...