Three quarters of butterfly species are in decline in the UK, but gardeners can play a key role in providing colourful visitors with much-needed habitats. Even small gardens in built-up areas can ...
Adult butterflies enjoy bluebells, marigolds, buttercups, hyacinth, clover, garden mint, knapweed, thistles ... Species including the painted lady and the large white have a wide distribution across ...
You might find a viceroy visiting your garden flowers in early summer. Occasionally one of these big, beautiful butterflies will visit your garden to take nectar, especially if you have milkweeds ...
Provide the butterflies with warmth (a sunny spot), shelter (shrubs and trees) and nectar and butterflies will start to use your garden to feed and maybe even breed.
An endangered butterfly that was once extinct in the UK has had its best summer in 150 years. The large blue butterfly is one of Europe's most endangered insects but thousands have been recorded ...
Gillian Marchant from Haddenham spotted four Red Admiral butterflies on her dahlia plants ... four Red Admiral butterflies in a Cambridgeshire garden in November is “very worrying”.
We used orange juice. Hang up your lovely butterfly feeder and enjoy seeing all of the colourful creatures who will come to visit your garden and green spaces! We can't wait to see how you ...