Early illustration of two narwhals, or sea unicorns by E Cuvier. One has been depicted with two tusks. Narwhals, Monodon monoceros, are toothed whales that live mostly in Arctic coastal waters and ...
According to the team, the narwhals showed remarkable dexterity, precision, and speed of movement of the tusk. They also ...
Narwhals are infamously mysterious creatures and perhaps their most elusive attribute is their long, spiral tusk (which ...
The narwhal (Monodon monoceros), an iconic whale of remote Arctic waters, is widely known for its long, spiral tusk, which is ...
The unicorns of the sea are rather elusive. Learn more about the drone footage that gave researchers a better look inside their lives and how they use their tusks for foraging and play.
A look at the strongest, biggest, most numerous, and just weirdest dental situations on the planet.
Today, he’s a dental surgeon in Sharon, Connecticut, and quite possibly the world’s foremost expert on the narwhal tusk—which, yes, is technically a tooth and is more typically expressed in males ...
Narwhals are whales that have one giant tooth, or tusk, that sticks out from ... Male narwhals most commonly have tusks and some may even have two, according to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).