My Hero Academia is known for several elements in its series, and one of the most prevalent is its three-dimensional villains, with Tomura Shigaraki perhaps being the best example.
Initially, Shigaraki Tomura became the leader of this organization with one goal in mind: to kill All Might, the Symbol of Peace and icon of the Hero Society. While initially, Shigaraki did not ...
Star and Stripe's first major fight in the series pitted her against Tomura Shigaraki, already well on his way to becoming an ...
but Shoto Todoroki has managed to make it to second place despite how complex and complicated the rankings have become since All For One and Shigaraki had been defeated. But Shoto himself is ...
Warning – My Hero Academia Manga SPOILERS Follow! Shigaraki and Izuku’s face-off in My Hero Academia chapter 283 gets interrupted when Shigaraki’s body literally starts coming about at the ...