Cyclone Fengal has caused widespread disruption in Tamil Nadu, with severe flooding sweeping away parked buses in Uthangarai, Krishnagiri district. A video capturing the incident at the Uthangarai ...
Heavy rainfall in the Western Ghats caused flooding in the Thamirabarani River, prompting flood warnings and evacuations in Tuticorin and Tirunelveli districts. Authorities released water from ...
Thousands of acres of crops remain submerged in the Thanjavur and Thiruvarur districts of Tamil Nadu due to floods caused by recent rains. According to farmers, the overflow of water from the ...
Adding to the colder temperatures, Tamil Nadu is also facing severe floods due to heavy rain in several districts including Chennai and . The IMD has forecast heavy rain in 14 districts due to a ...
The IMD attributed Fengal’s extremely slow movement for the exceptionally heavy rainfall over districts of north Tamil Nadu and Puducherry. It continued to maintain intensity even over nine hours ...
The Union Government has stated that Cyclone Fengal, which struck Tamil Nadu in December of last year, was considered as a disaster of a 'severe nature'.