根据最新的通知,Windows 11 24H2版本仍然支持第八、九和十代的英特尔酷睿处理器。此次修正是在“Windows 11版本24H2支持的Intel处理器”页面上发布的,微软承认了之前在2月13日的页面更新中未能准确列出支持产品的错误。值得一提的是,微软之前曾强调,该文档并非针对普通消费者,而是面向OEM厂商,主要目的是为新PC提供建议,鼓励使用更新的处理器,因此没有列出老款的酷睿处理器。
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise is designed for use in devices such as industrial machines, medical equipment, and kiosks. Unlike ...
微软终于打开了保护运行不兼容硬件的系统(包括缺少 TPM 2.0 的系统)升级 Windows 11 的铁门。对于使用旧系统或系统中没有 TPM 2.0 模块但想要升级到 ...
近期,关于Windows 11 24H2版本CPU支持列表的变动引起了业界的广泛关注。此前,微软在官方支持页面上发布的信息显示,某些老一代英特尔处理器被排除在外,同时增加了一些AMD处理器的支持。这一变动迅速引发了用户和媒体的讨论。 然而,微软随后对这一误会进行了澄清,并在官网上更新了相关信息。更新后的页面明确指出,Windows 11 ...
If your PC doesn't have TPM version 2.0, then you can't officially upgrade to Windows 11, unless you used a bypass that Microsoft had published. This means that Microsoft no longer recommends any ...
Microsoft removed 8th to 10th-gen Intel gaming CPUs from its OEM build guidelines, but existing Windows 11 support shouldn't ...
Before getting into the details of Windows 11 ... System firmware: UEFI, Secure Boot capable. TPM: Trusted Platform Module (TPM) version 2.0. Check here for instructions on how your PC might ...
A support page no longer describes the Registry hack that lets you bypass Windows 11's TPM requirements. But you still have options for sneaking past the hardware restrictions.