Kid Flash, the youthful counterpart to the Flash, has been a beloved character since his debut in the 1960s. Originally introduced as Wally West, Kid Flash gains super-speed powers and quickly ...
Various other heroes have had partners and sidekicks of their own. Some of them were almost humorous foils to the main character, while others went on to reach heights that their mentors never did.
The first issue of New Champions reveals how Marvel's new team of super teens add sidekicks like Spider-Boy, Amaranth, and Hulkette.
The DCEU didn’t really include sidekicks or young heroes at all other than The Flash. And yet, sidekicks are a big part of DC Comics lore. Even with the admitted problems he’s having putting ...
Wakanda has a new Champion. Marvel’s New Champions #1 by writer Steve Foxe (X-Men ’97) and artists Ivan Fiorelli (Fantastic Four) and Ig Guara (Sensational She-Hulk) asks the question: Who are the New ...