Miss Sandau had also been arrested on 18 November 1910 during the Black Friday riots, where about 300 suffragettes met a wall of policemen outside Parliament. Heavily outnumbered, the women were ...
Suffragettes Arrested, 1906-1914 collection indicate there were more than 1,300 suffragette arrests and many women were jailed. Hate mail and firebombs: How women won the vote What female MPs wore ...
Many arrests were made and the police were aided ... Armed with eggs filled with red and yellow paint, the suffragettes pelted the police leaving them with the appearance of being of being covered ...
Emmeline Pankhurst and her daughter Christabel Pankhurst were at the forefront of the WSPU’S campaigns and were arrested many times. The militant tactics employed by the suffragettes shocked ...
After her third arrest May was sentenced to eight months in prison. She went on hunger strike and suffered violent force feeding. Suffragettes were outraged at this treatment of a woman with ...
The suffragette leader had been arrested and sent to Holloway Prison after she attempted to deliver a petition to King George V at Buckingham Palace, sparking a wave of fresh militant action by ...
the suffragette was used as a term of abuse and ridicule by the hostile press. In 1905 Christabel spat on the face of a policeman and was arrested. Refusing to pay the fine for propaganda reasons ...