The cerebral cortex forms the outer layer of the cerebrum. Nested deeper within the brain are essential structures such as the basal ganglia, the amygdala, and the hippocampus. Toward the bottom ...
Left-handed people, also known as "lefties" or "southpaws," make up about 10% of the global population. But are they more ...
Our biceps and our brain cells may have more in common than previously thought. New research led by the Lippincott-Schwartz ...
New research reveals that brain cells use a muscle-like signaling mechanism to relay information over long distances.
Poor cardiovascular health in childhood and adolescence, indicated by higher BMI, increased blood pressure, and lower physical activity, is linked to changes in brain structure, particularly in ...
It's difficult to know what birds 'think' when they fly, but scientists in are getting some remarkable new insights by looking inside birds' heads. Evolutionary biologists and neuroscience researchers ...
Researchers have developed a method to study bird brains by creating digital endocasts from empty cranial spaces in bird ...
To investigate how people build sentence structure in Dutch, the researchers measured the brain activity of 24 participants who listened to Dutch audiobook stories in a magnetoencephalography (MEG ...
Yoga, with its roots in ancient India, is evolving beyond physical exercise to become a promising tool for improving mental ...
Scientists use digital skull scans to reveal bird brain structures, intelligence, and evolution without actual brains.