The rainbow trout (Parasalmo mykiss ... The researchers observed that large anadromous females tend to spawn with small river-resident males. They infer that this could reduce the likelihood ...
The Mantua Fish Hatchery was first constructed in 1910 by the Maple Creek Trout and Resort for fish production in Utah. The ...
Because of their higher tolerance to warmer temperatures, rainbow and brown trout were introduced to replace brook trout as a recreational and sustenance fishery. Many brook trout populations ...
Some anglers decide to avoid the fishing experience when it comes to spawning fish, especially brown trout. Egg patterns catch the eye of Rainbow trout as well as anglers. When the wet water ...
To restore self-sustaining lake trout populations to the Great Lakes, a better understanding of the characteristics of lake trout spawning sites is needed. To date, spawning grounds have been ...
Steelhead are a unique form of rainbow trout. Like salmon, they spent most of their adult lives in the ocean, but spawn in freshwater streams and rivers. Southern steelhead are survivors, adapted to ...