Set in a mythical “once upon a time” sort of land, Shrek the Musical is the story of a hulking green ogre who, after being mocked and feared his entire life by anything that crosses his path ...
Fredericksburg Theater Company’s Summer 2025 and Season 29 opener will be Shrek The Musical. Based on the Oscar-winning DreamWorks Animation film, Shrek The Musical is a Tony Award-winning fairy ...
From today until February 16, the newly renovated Maxim will be occupied by a group of fairy tale characters led by Shrek, Princess Fiona and Donkey. The 2008 musical is based on the Shrek films.
Make room for ogre-sized family fun as the greatest fairy tale never told comes to life in a whole new way in this breathtaking Broadway musical adaptation of the hit movie Shrek!
RHINEBECK, N.Y. — “Shrek The Musical” is set to take the stage at the CENTER for Performing Arts starting Saturday, Jan. 4, according to an announcement. The musical, based on the Oscar ...