A new documentary titled Endurance has premiered, bringing to life the remarkable survival story of Sir Ernest Shackleton’s ill-fated 1914 Antarctic expedition. The film, from National ...
Bob Chartoff and Lynn Hendee of Chartoff Productions announce plans for “Ice”, an epic action-adventure feature film based on the true story of Sir Ernest Shackleton’s 1914 Endurance expedition.
SHACKLETON - THE GREATEST STORY OF SURVIVAL reveals the true story of polar explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton and the crew of the Endurance, told by the only man ever to have repeated their ...
It will premiere at the London Film Festival. Endurance tells the stories of two expeditions. In 1914 Sir Ernest Shackleton set out to traverse Antarctica but his ship got trapped in pack ice and ...
The scan belongs to the Falklands Maritime Heritage Trust who also funded and organised the expedition to find Shackleton’s ship. The Endurance documentary is premiering at the London Film ...
The new documentary Endurance explores the legendary journey of Ernest Shackleton 100 years ago ... the importance of the expedition and the new film.
For a list of theaters showing the film, or to order a copy on DVD or VHS, visit the official Web site, Shackleton's Antarctic Adventure. To learn more about the making of the film, go to NOVA's ...
Shackleton and two others then crossed peaks and glaciers to reach a whaling station on the other side of the island, leading to the rescue of all 27 crew members. The film features restored and ...
Shackleton’s goal was to lead the first land ... As Jimmy Chin aptly puts it, “The film connects two eras—the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration and today’s world—through a seamless ...
How Shackleton then managed to get all his men ... interest in the Endurance story through digital technologies. A film about the wreck's discovery is due to be released by National Geographic ...
07/02/2020 - The British branch of the production outfit will partner with Heyday Movies to make the biopic about the legendary polar explorer Shackleton was an Irish explorer who led three British ...
On October 27, 1915, "the end of the Endurance had come," and Ernest Shackleton issued the order to abandon ship. Impaled by ramrods of ice and crushed by the unrelenting pressure of the pack ...