Combined with all the computer-based entertainment, navigation, dashboard and engine control, electronic systems comprised more than 20% of the car's value by 2017. Automotive safety systems are ...
which includes alarms from the basic process control systems, annunciator panels, packaged systems (e.g., fire and gas systems, and emergency response systems), and safety instrumented systems. It ...
This definition, although simplistic, is concise and makes it explicit to the nonindustrial observer that the term “safety” is the primary emphasis. Asset owners and system integrators employ various ...
Another example is a project focusing on accessible technologies for the verification of origin of dairy products as an example control system to enhance global trade and food safety. Stable isotope ...
This publication is a revision and combination of two Safety Guides, IAEA Safety Standards Series No. NS-G-1.1 and No. NS-G-1.3. The revision takes into account developments in instrumentation and ...
and thereby challenged risk assessment and management in food safety systems. In Helsinki One Health, we combine fundamental and epidemiological food safety research with the multidisciplinary fields ...