SOPs are the mechanism to document those procedures and instructions. SOPs help maintain routine procedures, provide a means for quality control, help manage performance and in the end, lead to growth ...
The OSHA Laboratory Standard (i.e. Chemical Hygiene Plan) requires SOPs relevant to safety and health considerations to be prepared and followed when laboratory work involves the use of hazardous ...
Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are in important administrative control to prevent injuries from hazardous pieces of equipment and to prevent overexposure to hazardous chemicals in the labs. The ...
NEW DELHI: In a move to spur innovation, pharma and med-tech sectors have sought a 10% allocation of the National Research Fund and reinstatement of 200% weighted deductions for R&D expenditure in ...
BHUBANESWAR: The standard operating procedure (SOP) for the investigation ... institutions like IITs or Roorkee-based Central Building Research Institute (CBRI) for the non-invasive examination ...