Cordatus Capital ("Cordatus") is pleased to announce a majority investment in Red Dot Buildings ("Red Dot" or the "Company"), ...
在工业设计领域,德国红点奖(Red Dot Award)无疑是全球公认的顶级荣誉之一,奖项角逐非常激烈,品拉索产品设计放射性粒子防护植入器凭借卓越的工业设计在众多参赛作品中脱颖而出,斩获红点设计大奖。
Indulge in the mesmerizing sight of delicate red dots forming a stunning design on a beautifully iced fruit cake, creating a ...
Samsung C&T wins iF Design Award for upcycled Raemian goods Samsung C&Ts innovative products showcase creative reuse in ...
Do you really need a red dot for turkey hunting? Yes, yes you do. Shotguns with a single bead were meant for pointing and shooting birds on the wing. Shooting a turkey gun that’s resting on your knee ...