Our collection of rare books includes works on art, history, literature, mathematics and science, as well as a collection of Bibles. These books are housed in the Thomas E. and Jennie W. Welmers Rare ...
The Rare Book Room’s twentieth anniversary provided us with the perfect opportunity to revisit the exhibits that have been housed in this beautiful space. This retrospective exhibit features only a ...
The course serves as an integral part of the special collections concentration with a particular focus on bibliography and the printed book. It is an overview to gain an understanding of issues ...
Welcome to Saint Louis University’s Archives and Rare Books. Our reading room (Room 307 in Pius Library) is open by appointment only to students, faculty and staff of SLU, as well as visiting ...
Does a used Porsche seem like a fair trade for a rare 1555 book about medicine by Flemish physician Andreas Vesalius? No? Well, then, maybe you’re not as committed to tomes dedicated to medical ...
How the University of Miami’s Special Collections library came to possess one of its rarest, most valuable works — three volumes of engravings of roses commissioned by Empress Josephine Bonaparte of ...
Eugene Flamm has been collecting for six decades—his first acquisition was a Vesalius he bought while a resident, and that work kicked off a life-long passion for collecting antiquarian books ...