“Karate Kid: Legends” brings together star Ralph Macchio, who began playing Daniel LaRusso back in the original 1984 “Karate Kid” movie, and Jackie Chan, who played Mr. Han in the 2010 “Karate Kid” ...
Original Karate Kid star Ralph Macchio helped make Cobra Kai a hit, but why didn't he return to the franchise in 1994 for The ...
There’s a new “Karate Kid” ready to learn the art of “wax on, wax off ... “Karate Kid: Legends” brings together star Ralph Macchio, who began playing Daniel LaRusso back in the ...
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The next chapter in the Karate Kid saga features a team-up between two of the franchise’s best fighters: Ralph Macchio’s Daniel LaRusso and Jackie Chan’s Mr. Han. On Tuesday, Sony released ...
Ralph Machio ... "the ultimate martial arts showdown." Macchio has made a career out of his breakout role, starring in the original trilogy "The Karate Kid," "The Karate Kid Part II" and "The ...
In the Karate Kid: Legends trailer, two revered karate masters return to teach the next prodigy their craft. Ralph Macchio, who starred in the first three installments of The Karate Kid ...
The official trailer for Karate Kid: Legends was released by Sony Pictures Entertainment on Tuesday. In the teaser trailer, Ralph Macchio and Jackie Chan reprise their roles as the martial arts ...
“Karate Kid: Legends” will be the first time that Jackie Chan and Ralph Macchio appear together in a movie, portraying their onscreen characters, “Mr. Han” and “Daniel LaRusso.
Ralph Macchio and Jackie Chan team up to bring the “Karate Kid” franchise back to the big screen in “Karate Kid: Legends.” “I was the target audience when that movie came out.