Miles Morales' Spider-Man has been an incredibly popular addition ... Donald Glover has been revealed as the MCU's version of the Prowler in Across the Spider-Verse, which confirms Miles Morales ...
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse's Miles Morales, Shameik Moore, opened up about why he doesn't voice the film's variant of his character, Miles G. Morales/Prowler. This multiversal ...
Miles Morales may be a much younger Spider-Man, but his solo adventure was heavy ... also known as the Prowler. This mechanic is useful for getting from one side of the city to the next in seconds ...
Glover played Aaron Davis, who references a nephew implied to be Miles Morales, in "Spider-Man: Homecoming," but this is the first time we've seen him in the Prowler costume. The creation of Miles ...
Something similar could be said of the story’s protagonist, Miles Morales. The son of a Puerto Rican nurse and an African American cop who can’t stand Spider-Man, Miles turns out to be a ...
"If I would be lucky enough to somehow bring Miles Morales into my Spider-Man Universe and into the MCU, I’d love to do for a young kid what [Robert] Downey [Jr.] did for me," the actor teased ...
Miles will need it to survive double Deadpools when Pools of Blood spills out into Deadpool #11-12 and Miles Morales: Spider-Man #30-31 in February and March. “Anyone who knows me knows how much ...