A western blot is a laboratory method used to detect specific protein molecules from among a mixture of proteins. This mixture can include all of the proteins associated with a particular tissue ...
Western blotting allows scientists to identify specific proteins in complex biological samples and determine relative abundance of a protein target. Rebecca Roberts is a science writer and ...
A western blot is a laboratory method used to detect specific protein molecules from among a mixture of proteins. This mixture can include all of the proteins associated with a particular tissue ...
因此在Western Blot实验中,用来进行均一化的内参是否合适,是否可以作为绝对定量的均一化的标准?是需要研究者首先在心中打个问号的。 解决方案: REVERT™ Total Protein Stain 与内参蛋白相比更加合理 针对内参蛋白不能作为均一化标准的情况下,该如何进行均一 ...
Non-Interfering Protein AssayTM 试剂盒使用简单,克服蛋白溶液中可能含有的去污剂、螯合剂、还原剂、胺、糖、尿素等的影响。通过采用通用蛋白沉淀试剂(UPPATM)将蛋白沉淀和固定于离心管中,以除去干扰物。蛋白浓度测定基于肽链骨架与铜的特异性结合。随蛋白 ...
The multiplex fluorescent detection and chemiluminescent imaging capabilities of the FluorChem Q provide a complete solution for quantitative Western blot imaging and analysis. The open platform ...