Topped by an Edelbrock aluminum intake and carburetor, the big-displacement mill turns this Tempest into a fully-fledged sleeper.
Remember the legendary 1969 Pontiac GTO Judge and its mythical Ram Air V 400-cube V8? Chances are you might question my writing and knowledge of Roman numerals since ‘four’ is written as ‘IV.’ ...
The 1969 Ram Air IV-powered Pontiac GTO is one of the most powerful of the breed ever made, so HotCars decided to find out ...
The Ram Air package consists of a tub ... non-existent synchromesh in the early Porsches. Neither is the '68 Pontiac GTO's han­dling and ride much like the old days. This year, Pontiac seems ...
In addition, The Judge’s sister cars, such as the Firebird 400 and the GTO, will also house the big ... travel hydraulic types used with the Ram Air IV. The engine’s valve system operates ...