Pleurectomy and decortication is a surgical procedure that may be recommended for patients with mesothelioma or other tumors or diseases affecting the inner chest. This involves removing diseased ...
Placement of a chest tube may be necessary for management of pleural space disease in mammals. This column describes two accepted techniques for thoracostomy tube placement in the dog. A ...
The simple procedure of talc poudrage of the pleural space is discussed in relation to this problem. Regardless of the cause of the pleural effusion — whether it is pleural seeding, lymphatic ...
The space between the membranes (called the pleural cavity or intrapleural space) is filled with a thin, lubricating pleural fluid. The pleura is comprised of two layers: The visceral and parietal ...
The study compared video-assisted thoracoscopic partial pleurectomy/decortication with indwelling pleural catheter in patients with trapped lung due to malignant ...
The empyema was treated by decortication via thoracotomy, and a PEG tube was placed for nutrition. A cervical spine x-ray revealed, as the probable cause of repeated aspiration and pleural empyema ...