Pink calla lilies are easy to grow indoors and can add a romantic feel to your space. Carnations offer a variety of shades of ...
Tiger lilies, or lilum lancifolium, are a vibrant perennial flower, destined to inject color into any area of your yard.
Peonies are beloved for their large blossoms and lush, lobed foliage. The petal-packed flowers of these late-spring bloomers ...
Clarence profiles spectacular lilly pillies with tasty berries, pretty flowers and beautiful evergreen foliage.
If floral size beckons, but you wish to retain your eyesight, I propose Café au Lait, a fluffy monster in fawny pink. Should monochrome discipline appeal ... longiflorum is a must with its delicious ...
People treasure orchids because of their amazing exotic looks yet the plants present challenges when it comes to cultivation.
Peace lilies come in many varieties with flowers that can be white, cream, yellow, green and pink. White is the most common colour for these elegant plants, recognisable for their curved blooms on ...
Host Amanda McNulty reflects on the beauty of one of the New World's native plants that is a member of the Amaryllis family ...