“Dream Productions” is open for business. The four-episode Disney+ limited series is the very first long-form streaming show from Pixar, the vaulted animation studio behind “Toy Story ...
Disney has dropped a transgender storyline from its upcoming animated Pixar series "Win or Lose ... broke the news about the changes made to the show. Disney confirmed that lines of dialogue ...
Disney has decided to remove a transgender storyline from its new Pixar show “Win or Lose.” The upcoming series, set to be released on Feb. 19, follows a group of kids on a softball team as ...
Pixar original animated series ‘Win or Lose’ is set to be released in February on the streaming service Disney+. Following a co-ed softball team at a middle school, the show’s format will ...
“Dream Productions” is open for business. The four-episode Disney+ limited series is the very first long-form streaming show from Pixar, the vaulted animation studio behind “Toy Story,” “WALL•E” and ...